Check Javascript Disabled in Clients Browser and ASP.Net solution

Abhishek Mallick
1 min readNov 5, 2019


These days none of the web application can work without Javascript.

Q. Why should we check if javascript is disabled in the client browser

A. First to provide better service to the client on UI (priority) and second to protect your application from intrusion (it can be a motive)

Now it is really simple to do:

What I did is in my main Layout page say “_Layout.cshtml” with the “<head>” tag and added this code in the tag

<noscript><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;URL=@Url.Content("~/Errorpage/JavaScriptDisabled")"></noscript>

Now in the above code, you can see a Url.Content which is the controller with action to be called when the javascript is disabled in the client’s browser.

The output for that is



Abhishek Mallick

Innovator, Visionary, Lead, Researcher and Creator. I work on multiple technologies with multi-level of complexity.